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08 Desember 2008


Indonesia merupakan target dari kaum Yahudi di Amerika, dimana hal ini dapat dilihat dalam ”WASHINGTON KONSENSUS”. Berikut kutipannya :

In a commentary on the Malawi experience prepared for the Center for Global Development, development economists Vijaya Ramachandran and Peter Timmer argue that fertilizer subsidies in parts of Africa (and Indonesia) can have benefits that substantially exceed their costs. They caution, however, that how the subsidy is operated iscrucial to its long-term success, and warn -for example- against allowing fertilizer distribution to become a monopoly. Ramachandran and Timmer also stress that African farmers need more than just input subsidies - they need better research to develop new inputs and new seeds, as well as better transport and energy infrastructure. The World Bank reportedly now sometimes supports the temporary use of fertilizer subsidies aimed at the poor and carried out in a way that fosters private markets: "In Malawi, Bank officials say they generally support Malawi's policy, though they criticize the government for not having a strategy to eventually end the subsidies, Question whether its 2007 corn production estimates are inflated and say there is still a lot of room for improvement in how the subsidy is carried out".

(Sumber : Dr. Wang Xiang Jun, PhD, Rencana Besar Yahudi di Indonesia, Pustaka Radja, Cetakan III, 2008)

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